How to Extract a Zipped File: A Guide 您所在的位置:网站首页 Open IMG Files Using WinZip Download a Free Trial How to Extract a Zipped File: A Guide

How to Extract a Zipped File: A Guide

2024-06-15 04:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

When you receive a zipped file through email, the first question that comes to your mind is; how do I open this? Now that you are here, you can relax because this article is all about that! A zipped file is just like any other digital file. You can open it from any computer operating system only that you will have to do more than just 'double clicking' to access the files therein.

WinZip has all the solutions and relevant software to help you open ZIP files on Windows PC, Mac, Android, and iPhone devices.

What is a ZIP file?

A ZIP file is a group of files or folders that have been compressed together. This is done to make transportation of bulk files easy and reduce the time for sending and accessing the file inside. ZIP files are small in size and hence easily transferrable. A ZIP file has an extension (.zip), and the folder has the zipper image on it.






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